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Welcome to the Center for Teacher Effectiveness

We look forward to helping you in any way you need.  Please contact us with any questions, ideas, concerns, recommendations, feedback, compliments, ANYTHING!  We improve through working with great educators and administrators like yourself!    We are here to serve YOU!


Hit Us Up!

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Please Let us know if you have any questions!

Time To Teach
[font_awesome icon="phone" margin_right="5px" color="#000"] 1-800-438-1808 [font_awesome icon="envelope" margin_right="5px" margin_left="20px" color="#000"] [font_awesome icon="user" margin_right="5px" margin_left="20px" color="#000"] [wp_login_url text="User Login"]
[vcex_icon_box heading=”Do you want to improve your classroom or school?” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-key” url_target=”local” url_rel=”nofollow” icon_color=”#4a97c2″ icon_size=”28px” heading_size=”16px” url=”” container_left_padding=”50px”]Get the strategies, keys, and content you need to transform your classroom or school to the next level.


[vcex_icon_box heading=”Professional Development Trainings” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-globe” url_target=”_blank” url_rel=”nofollow” icon_color=”#4a97c2″ icon_size=”28px” heading_size=”16px” url=”” container_left_padding=”60px”]High quality professional development designed by teachers and administrators, for teachers and administrators.


[vcex_icon_box heading=”Professional Development Materials” heading_type=”h2″ icon=”fa fa-lightbulb-o” url_target=”_blank” url_rel=”nofollow” icon_color=”#4a97c2″ icon_size=”28px” url=”” container_left_padding=”50px” heading_size=”16px”]Learn about the Center for Teacher Effectiveness Materials: Books, DVDs, Audio-books, Manipulatives and More!  All of our materials support our fabulous trainings!


[vcex_heading text=”Teachers have the hardest job in America.” tag=”h2″ font_weight=”normal” text_align=”center” font_size=”32px” css=”.vc_custom_1550088308591{padding-bottom: 15px !important;}”]

Among all the tasks that we juggle, two are paramount – curriculum and discipline. Neither is more important, nor can one be effective without the other. We give you the solution to effective classroom discipline and easy-to-implement student engagement and motivation strategies so that you can have more time to teach!

[vcex_spacing][vcex_button url=”” title=”Why Time To Teach” style=”flat” align=”center” color=”blue” font_weight=”400″ font_size=”16px” icon_right_padding=”5px”]Why Center for Teacher Effectiveness ?[/vcex_button][vcex_spacing size=”20px”]
[vcex_heading text=”About our Trainings and Materials!” tag=”h2″ font_weight=”normal” text_align=”center” font_size=”32px” css=”.vc_custom_1550088911832{padding-bottom: 15px !important;}”]

You receive highly practical and proven strategies which can be immediately implemented when you return to your classroom.

[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”Our Focus” heading_type=”h3″ image=”5294″ heading_size=”16px”]Our concentration is redefining teaching and learning in schools and providing highly useful professional teacher staff development. For the last decade, we have been producing and sponsoring high quality, in-depth training programs especially designed for K-12 education professionals.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”Testimonials” heading_type=”h3″ image=”5293″ heading_size=”16px”]Teachers and administrators who evaluate our training say that we are redefining teaching and learning in schools by providing powerful, easy-to-use, teacher friendly strategies that immediately improve classroom behavior and that help teachers address diverse learning needs to promote motivation and a desire to learn in all. See our “testimonial” pages.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”College Credit” heading_type=”h3″ image=”5292″ heading_size=”16px”]You will receive all of  our impactful content and can also take the course for up to four semester professional development graduate credits.  Move up the salary schedule or use to re-certify![/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”Powerful Content” heading_type=”h3″ image=”5291″ heading_size=”16px”]Our leading-edge strategies are designed for any grade level and student profile and are sensible, respectful, and powerful. Our strategies will forever improve your classroom and give you more time to teach and your students more time to learn.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”Our Mission” heading_type=”h3″ image=”5290″ heading_size=”16px”]Our mission is proven in practice. We strive to provide programs based in research, practical, and easy to implement in every classroom.  We do this through preparing outstanding experts in the subject matter.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”Our Vision” heading_type=”h3″ image=”5289″ heading_size=”16px”]Our vision is to provide sensible, respectful, and powerful programs that will forever improve your classroom and school and give you more Time To Teach.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”Our Core Values” heading_type=”h3″ image=”5288″ heading_size=”16px”]Our core values are: Integrity, Accountability, Diligence, Perseverance, and Discipline.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”Our Philosophy” heading_type=”h3″ image=”5287″ heading_size=”16px”]Teachers have the hardest job in America. Among all the tasks that we juggle, two are paramount; curriculum and discipline. Neither is more important, nor can one be effective without the other. We give you the solution to effective classroom discipline so that you can have more Time To Teach![/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”Are You Ready?” heading_type=”h3″ image=”5286″ heading_size=”16px”]You are in the right place at the right time.  Let’s begin the journey to forever improve the lives of the students in your classroom and school building.  Take the next step today![/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_heading text=”Who are we?” tag=”h2″ font_weight=”normal” text_align=”center” font_size=”32px” css=”.vc_custom_1550088786884{padding-bottom: 15px !important;}”]

Our nationally recognized instructors teach innovative and highly effective discipline and engagement and motivation strategies at seminars and education conferences, in schools and districts, and are helping teachers everywhere! You will find our trainings to be a breath of fresh air. Our “active duty” K-12 teacher-trainers live “in the trenches” on a daily basis and pride themselves in successfully using the research-based strategies they teach to you in their own classrooms.


[font_awesome icon=”star” size=”24px” margin_right=”5px” color=”555″][font_awesome icon=”star” size=”24px” margin_right=”5px” color=”666″][font_awesome icon=”star” size=”24px” margin_right=”5px” color=”777″][font_awesome icon=”star” size=”24px” margin_right=”5px” color=”888″][font_awesome icon=”star” size=”24px” margin_right=”5px” color=”999″]

[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”“AMAZING“” heading_type=”h3″ icon=”fa fa-heart” heading_size=”16px”]”Presenter was personable and kept me engaged! Fun, hands-on activities. Plenty of interaction and pushed us to learn. LOVED it”


[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”“GREAT TRAINING“” heading_type=”h3″ icon=”fa fa-star” heading_size=”16px”]”This was a fun, insightful and informative seminar. I will use the strategies EVERY day. Great training”


[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”“EMPOWERING“” heading_type=”h3″ icon=”fa fa-thumbs-o-up” heading_size=”16px”]”I regret that this workshop was only one-day. Wonderful, professional, useful and empowering! Best of all, the instructor is obviously dedicated to children”[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_button url=”” target=”blank” size=”small” title=”Read More Reviews” style=”clean” align=”center” color=”blue”]Read More Reviews[/vcex_button]
[vcex_heading text=”Our Impact” tag=”h2″ font_weight=”normal” text_align=”center” font_size=”32px” css=”.vc_custom_1550532034502{padding-bottom: 15px !important;}”]

Our classroom-management training helps prevent School Failure. We put you on the path to School Success. Our strategies can be used tomorrow in the classroom.  Teachers have even reported up to 90% of problem behaviors are
eliminated following our training.

Time To Teach lighbulb 1
[vcex_icon_box heading=”Eliminate Repeated Warnings” heading_type=”h3″ icon=”fa fa-comments” icon_color=”#4a97c2″ icon_size=”32px” container_left_padding=”65px” css=”.vc_custom_1550532685569{margin-bottom: 40px !important;}” heading_size=”16px”]Do our teachers ever find themselves giving multiple warnings and repeated requests?

 [/vcex_icon_box][vcex_icon_box heading=”Improve Your Scores” heading_type=”h3″ icon=”fa fa-users” icon_color=”#4a97c2″ icon_size=”32px” container_left_padding=”65px” css=”.vc_custom_1550532757345{margin-bottom: 40px !important;}” heading_size=”16px”]Are we responding appropriately to the diverse behavioral needs of all students?

 [/vcex_icon_box][vcex_icon_box heading=”Maximize Achievement” heading_type=”h3″ icon=”fa fa-arrow-circle-up” icon_color=”#4a97c2″ icon_size=”32px” container_left_padding=”65px” css=”.vc_custom_1550532829807{margin-bottom: 40px !important;}” heading_size=”16px”]Do discipline issues surface and interfere with our teacher’s ability to complete their lessons?

 [/vcex_icon_box][vcex_icon_box heading=”Motivate Your Students” heading_type=”h3″ icon=”fa fa-child” icon_color=”#4a97c2″ icon_size=”32px” container_left_padding=”65px” heading_size=”16px”]Are unresponsive or unmotivated students diminishing our teacher impact, and student learning?


[vcex_heading text=”In the News” tag=”h2″ font_weight=”normal” text_align=”center” font_size=”32px” css=”.vc_custom_1550512392765{padding-bottom: 15px !important;}”]

Read a recent article in Leadership about the dramatic success of an at-risk school that underwent a Time To Teach training.

[vcex_spacing size=”40px”][vcex_button url=”” target=”local” download_attribute=”true” title=”Download the Article” style=”flat” align=”center” color=”blue” font_weight=”400″ font_size=”16px” icon_right=”fa fa-chevron-right”]Download the Article[/vcex_button]
[vcex_icon icon=”fa fa-download” float=”center” color=”#000000″ custom_size=”30px”][vcex_heading text=”Disrupt The Disruptor. A Strategy for You!” tag=”h2″ font_weight=”normal” text_align=”center” font_size=”32px” css=”.vc_custom_1550536002200{padding-bottom: 15px !important;}”]

Free Download. Your teachers can use this strategy to reduce challenging behaviors in the classroom! Click to download and receive classroom management tips and 10 diffusers that will help your teachers to elegantly remove themselves from center stage when being challenged. These statements help teachers to remain calm when challenged, and best of all, they help “disrupt the disrupter” and instantly end confrontation even before it begins.

Time To Teach
[vcex_heading text=”Our professional development helps students and teachers thrive” tag=”h2″ font_weight=”normal” text_align=”center” font_size=”32px” css=”.vc_custom_1550365445460{padding-bottom: 15px !important;}”]

Are you ready to change the odds of success for your students and teachers? The Center for Teacher Effectiveness is here to help you. We are committed to making a difference in the quality of education and learning for all through excellence in engaging training, helpful materials, and service. We translate information into knowledge, knowledge into action, and action into results, teaming with teachers on ways to help students thrive.

[vcex_spacing size=”40px”][vcex_button url=”” target=”local” rel=”none” title=”Purchase Total” style=”flat” align=”center” color=”blue” font_weight=”400″ font_size=”16px” icon_right_padding=”5px” icon_right=”fa fa-envelope-open-o”]Get Started Now![/vcex_button]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”Questions?” heading_type=”h3″ icon=”fa fa-question” icon_size=”21px” icon_color=”#555555″ icon_background=”#eeeeee” icon_border_radius=”50%” icon_width=”60px” icon_height=”60px” heading_size=”16px”]Have a question? Just ask! Leave us a comment with your question and we’ll answer just as soon as we can.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_button url=”” target=”blank” size=”small” title=”Ask Question” style=”clean” align=”center” color=”blue”]Ask Question[/vcex_button]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”Suggestions?” heading_type=”h3″ icon=”thumbs-up” icon_size=”21px” icon_color=”#555555″ icon_background=”#eeeeee” icon_border_radius=”50%” icon_width=”60px” icon_height=”60px” heading_size=”16px”]We welcome any and all suggestions, so leave us a comment and we will consider it for a future update.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_button url=”” target=”blank” size=”small” title=”Submit Suggestion” style=”clean” align=”center” color=”blue”]Submit Suggestion[/vcex_button]
[vcex_icon_box style=”two” heading=”Need Support?” heading_type=”h3″ icon=”fa fa-user” icon_size=”21px” icon_color=”#555555″ icon_background=”#eeeeee” icon_border_radius=”50%” icon_width=”60px” icon_height=”60px” heading_size=”16px”]Need support from a content expert around our professional development topics?  Can we help with anything else you may need?[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_button url=”” target=”blank” size=”small” title=”Open a Ticket” style=”clean” align=”center” color=”blue”]Contact an Expert[/vcex_button]
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