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Welcome to the Center for Teacher Effectiveness

We look forward to helping you in any way you need.  Please contact us with any questions, ideas, concerns, recommendations, feedback, compliments, ANYTHING!  We improve through working with great educators and administrators like yourself!    We are here to serve YOU!


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Time To Teach
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Time To Teach

Disrupt the disputer. A strategy for every teacher.

Have you ever been challenged by a student in the classroom?

Have you ever had a confrontation with a student? 

Did you lose self-control?  

Did you say  something you regretted?

Self-control is one of 5 research-based components that for over 27-years have reduced discipline problems in classrooms by 90%.  That’s right, 90%!

Has a student ever tried to push your buttons? Do any of these common button pushing statement sound familiar, “This is not how Mr. Smith did it last year”, “This class stinks”, “Why do you always have to give us some much homework”, or “This class is boring”.  Next time you hear a button pushing statement respond with one of my diffusers.  Diffusers are short phrases that prevent you from climbing the proverbial ladder to the “unbearable limit”.  So next time a student says, “This isn’t how Mr. Smith did it last year”, respond with “I understand” and immediately resume teaching.  “Why do we have to have so much homework”, respond with, “I’m sorry” and immediately resume teaching.  The diffusers communicate a certain level of empathy and save you instructional time by not engaging in a potential confrontation.  Having these 2 statements and other diffusers next to your desk is a good practice when first implementing them.

For more information and to bring these strategies to your school please contact Time To Teach: 800-438-1808 or

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