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Welcome to the Center for Teacher Effectiveness

We look forward to helping you in any way you need.  Please contact us with any questions, ideas, concerns, recommendations, feedback, compliments, ANYTHING!  We improve through working with great educators and administrators like yourself!    We are here to serve YOU!


Hit Us Up!

[vcex_spacing size="10px"][vcex_list_item icon="envelope" text_align="textleft" color="#3b86b0" margin_right="10px" url_target="self"]Email:[/vcex_list_item][vcex_list_item icon="phone-square" text_align="textleft" color="#3b86b0" margin_right="10px" url_target="self"]Phone: 1-800-438-1808[/vcex_list_item][vcex_list_item icon="phone-square" text_align="textleft" color="#3b86b0" margin_right="10px" url_target="self"]Fax: 1-800-801-1872[/vcex_list_item][vcex_list_item icon="map-marker" text_align="textleft" color="#3b86b0" margin_right="10px" url_target="self"]Address: 4381 English Point Road, Hayden, ID 83835[/vcex_list_item]

Please Let us know if you have any questions!

Time To Teach
[font_awesome icon="phone" margin_right="5px" color="#000"] 1-800-438-1808 [font_awesome icon="envelope" margin_right="5px" margin_left="20px" color="#000"] [font_awesome icon="user" margin_right="5px" margin_left="20px" color="#000"] [wp_login_url text="User Login"]
[vcex_heading text=”Bring a Time To Teach Trainer Directly to Your School or District” text_align=”center” color=”#555555″ font_size=”28px”][vcex_spacing size=”15px”]

Our on-site school training experts will make it easy to coordinate your presenter and topic with the date of your choice for your next teacher training.

Why Choose a Center for Teacher Effectiveness On-Site Training?

  • Research-based programs packed with practical strategies
  • Outstanding, proven presenters
  • The leading topics for grades K-12 educators
  • Extensive resource manual for each participant

Just fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in contact with you within 24 hours or less – even on weekends and holidays.

[vcex_form_shortcode style=”modern” full_width=”true” width=”750px”]

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